Reata Equine Hospital

(817) 599-9635
Mon-Fri 8-5 and Sat 8-12
24 hr Emergency Service


Internship / Externship Programs


Educating future veterinarians is very important to the doctors and staff of Reata Equine Hospital. Veterinary student externs are allowed to gain clinical experience through hands-on assistance and discussion. During their stay students will be expected to assist with hospitalized patients, emergency cases, and daily ambulatory and clinic appointments. We offer housing and availability for 2 veterinary students at a time year round. For more information or to schedule a visit please contact Linda Demetruk. [email protected]


At Reata Equine Hospital we feel that a well-focused internship program is one of the keys to helping veterinary students transition into successful equine veterinarians. Our goal is to provide the experience and knowledge necessary for a new graduate to excel as an equine veterinarian. We believe this is accomplished through mentoring and providing ample opportunities to become confident and proficient in skills and communication needed for success.

For full details regarding the internship program please visit our listing on AAEP Avenues or contact Linda Demetruk. [email protected]
We strongly encourage students to visit as externs if they are interested in the internship program.

Reata Equine Hospital
6516 Granbury Hwy
Weatherford, Texas 76087
Office (817) 599-9635 ~ Fax ( 817) 598-0262

Hours: Mon-Fri 8-5 and Sat 8-12
24 hr Emergency Service

From I-20 West Exit # 408. Take Hwy 51 South ( Granbury Hwy ) towards Granbury, 5 miles on right.
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